Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Perfect Day to Start a Blog

Today is a day when you fear that the fierce winds of Idaho will sweep your daughter right into the big blue sky.
Not your son, even at only 13 months he is a brute with a chunky frame that promises he will never be swept away by the wind; or much else. He's very sturdy.

Unlike my impudent snip of a redhead that is constantly beset by her strong emotions. Some days she's so wound up that she just internally explodes and I'm left picking up the pieces. She exemplifies all the stories about redheads you'll ever hear. But she has a wonderful heart and beautiful hazel eyes. And when she hugs you, it's worth all the frustration she puts me through.

I don't have much frustration from my blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel-boy. He's at that wonderful age when he is learning everything. FAST. So many new words, continuing to practice walking, learning to open doors, figuring out that he's tall enough to pull books off my desk... Good times. good times.


Welcome, these are my kids, my two crazy crayon-chewing, piggy-tailed, jelly-smeared kids. And this is my blog (Restrained Chaos, if you didn't notice the big title-y thing up top).

I am wife, student, mother of two & a hopeful homeschooler. I can't make any grand promises that this blog will be awe-inspiring, life-altering, or just darn cool. I can, however, pretty much gaurantee that it will be random, eclectic, and frequently weird. I hope to occasionally post about homeschooling, my fascination with Latin, Rome & history, and perhaps a book review or two. Heck, I might even have some deep thoughts now and again! But the bulk of my posts will center around my family and how much I love them and our life together.

Oh, and don't get too attached to this theme. It's only up until I can wrangle graphic designer (i.e. my husband) into designing me one of my own. I like wrangling him...ehem! Never mind!

So, Salvete Omnes! And I hope you come back once in a while to see how we're doing and if we'll survive the wilds of Idaho... ;)

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